Astrology Readings - Frequently Asked Questions

Can you still do a reading if I don't have an exact birth time?

If you don’t have an exact birth time, please email me before purchasing a reading. We can still explore how the planets express themselves in the zodiac signs in your natal chart, and whether the energy is more harmonious or challenging. However, I will not be able to tell you which areas of your life are being impacted and when, nor can I utilise forecasting and timing techniques which require an accurate birth time. Therefore, I need to ensure you would still like to have a reading.

What type of astrology do you practice?

I am a Western Tropical Astrologer and use the whole sign house system. Western Tropical Astrology defines the zodiac signs and relative positions of the planets based on the Spring Equinox and follows the seasons.

Do I have to pay in advance?

A lot of work goes into the preparation before a consultation, so full payment ahead of your reading is required.

Can I reschedule my session if I can't make it to my reading?

If you need to re-schedule your reading, please contact me as soon as you can, and no later than 24 hours before your original booking time. I will wait for you for 15 minutes to join the session past the agreed session time.

Failure to show up in the 15 minutes past the agreed session time is considered a no-show and your session is considered forfeited. No refunds will be issued for missed appointments. This service is non-refundable and all sales are final.

How do I make payment?

Payment can be made via Mpesa (Kenya) or Paypal (international clients) using your local credit card.

How is the reading delivered?

All readings are conducted via live Zoom call. A copy of the recording, together with the presentation of the charts we cover, will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your consultation.

Are there any software requirements?

Before your consultation, be sure to be familiar with the Zoom Online Meeting Software. Please have it downloaded and ready to go before our session, so we spend as little time as possible with any technical glitches.

What if I feel uncomfortable during the consultation or if sensitive information arises?

If there are any areas of your life or personal circumstances that you do not wish to discuss during the consultation, please let me know when completing the Client Questionnaire. If you neglect or forget to inform me and a sensitive issue arises, you may stop me at any time and we can move on to another topic. If for any reason you feel unable to continue with the consultation, you may stop the session and leave, however, please note that no refund will be issued for an incomplete session. I also have the right to refuse service or stop the session for any reason at any time.

Is my birth data and information discussed during the consultation kept confidential?

Absolutely! There is a great deal of responsibility that comes with having access to the information in your chart and being trusted with it. My goal is to create a safe space for you to be able to express yourself freely and without fear of being judged. I place the highest value on the sacredness of this information and whatever you choose to impart during our session. It is my commitment to you that your information and any and all matters discussed during your consultation will be kept confidential and that I will honour your dignity and personal life experience. By supporting you to reflect on the insights I provide on your natal chart, my aim is to leave you with a clearer head and lighter heart by finding a sense of acceptance and self-validation.

Have a question that’s not here?

No problem… Contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!