What are your Jewellery Resolutions?

Resolutions to implement change aren’t just for the new year.
In Ekhart Tolle’s famous words “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
Now that I’ve got you in the right frame of mind, here are 5 golden jewellery resolutions to keep your treasured possessions in great shape:
Jewellery Resolutions #1: “I will put my jewellery on last”
Gemstones and metals attract grease which sticks to their surface. One way of avoiding contact with oils and pigments that are present in beauty products is to apply them BEFORE you put on your jewellery and allow them to absorb into your skin. Chemicals in these products can build up on the surface of your accessories over time, dulling their brilliance.
Also, submerging ethnic artefacts and tribal beads into water, or exposure to alcohol or chemicals present in some jewellery cleaning agents, can cause the adhesive used to hold stones and beads in place to wear away.
When you wash your hands, take the time to remove rings or bracelets to prevent them from getting splashed.
Wear your jewellery AFTER applying cosmetics, make-up, perfume and hair spray, and remove it before you cook.
Jewellery Resolution #2. “I will clean my jewellery regularly”
Clean your jewellery regularly, ideally once a month, to keep it in its best condition.
Most gemstone and fine jewellery can be cleaned using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Gently scrub around gemstones using the clean brush and water to remove dirt. Liquid soap can be used to target tough grime. Rinse with water, then dry with a clean soft cloth. Special polishing cloths are also available to clean silver and gold jewellery.
At the very minimum, gently wipe your jewellery when you remove it with a soft cloth to clean off any moisture, make-up or debris from the surface. Oils from your skin and residual chemicals can tarnish pieces over time. Wiping it only takes a few seconds, so there’s no excuse not to.
If in doubt, get your jewellery professionally cleaned. You’ll be amazed at how a little care and cleaning can rejuvenate your lacklustre jewellery back to life!

Jewellery Resolutions #3. “I will store my jewellery properly”
We’re all guilty of flinging necklaces on the dressing table, tossing earrings on the nightstand or leaving our rings by the bathroom sink. Time to switch up that habit!
If you want your jewellery to remain in good condition, proper storage is imperative! Invest in silk lined boxes or soft fabric pouches for EACH item or ensure they are separated by compartments. Storing all your jewellery in one box or even a few pieces together can cause scratches to the surface.
If a pouch or box was included with your jewellery purchase or gift, then you can store it in this. We provide a beautiful fabric lined banana leaf box and pouch which is a wonderful way to keep your jewellery safe and protected when it is not in use.
Keep jewellery stored safely away whenever it is not in use. Your jewellery will reward you with many years of repeated wear and will also limit time and money spent on cleaning it.

Jewellery Resolutions #4. “I will get my jewellery professionally repaired”
Take the time to go through your collection and ensure that there are no loose prongs or bezel settings, missing stones or beads, broken clasps or pieces in need of repair. If something needs to be fixed, take it to a jeweller to get professionally repaired. If it’s something you no longer care for, then discard it or give it away to a relative or friend who may be able to repair it for themselves or use its components in a craft project. More tips on this here.
Jewellery Resolutions #5. “I won’t be afraid to try something new”
We all have preconceptions about what does or doesn’t look good on us. However you’ll often discover your favourite looks by trying something new.
I never used to wear rings as I’m not a fan of my (preconceived) stubby fingers, thinking that rings would draw attention to them. That all changed when I went to my local silversmith one day to collect a statement ring that I had designed for my friend.
Since I did not have a protective pouch to place the ring in, I decided to wear it until I met my friend later that evening. During the course of the day, I received so many wonderful complements on how lovely the ring looked on me, including from my friend whom it was made for. She insisted that I keep it for myself as an incentive to start my own ring collection (of course I made another one for her).
It made me realise that those thoughts of “rings don’t suit me” were nonsensical and since then my aversion to wearing them has disappeared.
So if you think you can’t pull off a pair of bold earrings, challenge yourself to try it first; if you don’t wear silver jewellery, try on a necklace with a silver pendant. Always try something at least three times before you write it off. If in doubt, ask an honest friend or even a couple of strangers for their opinion. Experimenting is key to developing your own signature style, so have fun with it!